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Since we started in 2016, we’ve been developing Church Scientific as a unique set of resources for students and people working in the sciences.  Our initial activities were based in Leeds, West Yorkshire.  Now we’re getting ready to make a wider impact through online resources that help more people to benefit from our Christian approach to scientific thinking.

Why is Church Scientific unique?

Basically, Church Scientific is founded on the premise that a Christian worldview can enhance scientific work.  Lots of people have argued that this was true in the past, but very few advocate this exciting prospect for current and future scientific investigations.  And we think this is partly because systematic Christian thinking remains undeveloped in the lives of most believers – which is where we are seeking to help.  The resources we’re building will provide a toolbox for scientific understanding and investigation.

Of course, we don’t pretend that Christian thinking will quickly or inevitably lead to scientific breakthroughs.  God’s grace runs as wide as the cosmos, and people with all kinds of religious and ideological perspectives can develop and advance our scientific understanding.  But we believe that a person’s worldview, and that of the culture in which they operate, does influence their thinking in profound ways.

What’s this idea of Christian thinking?

You can get a foretaste of what’s distinctive about our Christian philosophical approach from our new About page.  For more insight, you might like to try the illustrated post about a Philosophy of science in diagrams and the dynamic presentation of Philosophy of science for Christians.  We’ll be releasing more resources soon.

Author Richard Gunton

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